Source code for marshmallow_jsonapi.schema

import itertools

import marshmallow as ma
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError
from marshmallow.utils import is_collection

from .fields import BaseRelationship, DocumentMeta, ResourceMeta
from .exceptions import IncorrectTypeError
from .utils import resolve_params

TYPE = "type"
ID = "id"

[docs]class SchemaOpts(ma.SchemaOpts): def __init__(self, meta, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(meta, *args, **kwargs) self.type_ = getattr(meta, "type_", None) self.inflect = getattr(meta, "inflect", None) self.self_url = getattr(meta, "self_url", None) self.self_url_kwargs = getattr(meta, "self_url_kwargs", None) self.self_url_many = getattr(meta, "self_url_many", None)
[docs]class Schema(ma.Schema): """Schema class that formats data according to JSON API 1.0. Must define the ``type_`` `class Meta` option. Example: :: from marshmallow_jsonapi import Schema, fields def dasherize(text): return text.replace('_', '-') class PostSchema(Schema): id = fields.Str(dump_only=True) # Required title = fields.Str() author = fields.HyperlinkRelated( '/authors/{author_id}', url_kwargs={'author_id': '<>'}, ) comments = fields.HyperlinkRelated( '/posts/{post_id}/comments', url_kwargs={'post_id': '<id>'}, # Include resource linkage many=True, include_resource_linkage=True, type_='comments' ) class Meta: type_ = 'posts' # Required inflect = dasherize """
[docs] class Meta: """Options object for `Schema`. Takes the same options as `marshmallow.Schema.Meta` with the addition of: * ``type_`` - required, the JSON API resource type as a string. * ``inflect`` - optional, an inflection function to modify attribute names. * ``self_url`` - optional, URL to use to `self` in links * ``self_url_kwargs`` - optional, replacement fields for `self_url`. String arguments enclosed in ``< >`` will be interpreted as attributes to pull from the schema data. * ``self_url_many`` - optional, URL to use to `self` in top-level ``links`` when a collection of resources is returned. """ pass
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.include_data = kwargs.pop("include_data", ()) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.include_data: self.check_relations(self.include_data) if not self.opts.type_: raise ValueError("Must specify type_ class Meta option") if "id" not in self.fields: raise ValueError("Must have an `id` field") if self.opts.self_url_kwargs and not self.opts.self_url: raise ValueError( "Must specify `self_url` Meta option when " "`self_url_kwargs` is specified" ) self.included_data = {} self.document_meta = {} OPTIONS_CLASS = SchemaOpts
[docs] def check_relations(self, relations): """Recursive function which checks if a relation is valid.""" for rel in relations: if not rel: continue fields = rel.split(".", 1) local_field = fields[0] if local_field not in self.fields: raise ValueError(f'Unknown field "{local_field}"') field = self.fields[local_field] if not isinstance(field, BaseRelationship): raise ValueError( 'Can only include relationships. "{}" is a "{}"'.format(, field.__class__.__name__ ) ) field.include_data = True if len(fields) > 1: field.schema.check_relations(fields[1:])
[docs] @ma.post_dump(pass_many=True) def format_json_api_response(self, data, many, **kwargs): """Post-dump hook that formats serialized data as a top-level JSON API object. See: """ ret = self.format_items(data, many) ret = self.wrap_response(ret, many) ret = self.render_included_data(ret) ret = self.render_meta_document(ret) return ret
def render_included_data(self, data): if not self.included_data: return data data["included"] = list(self.included_data.values()) return data def render_meta_document(self, data): if not self.document_meta: return data data["meta"] = self.document_meta return data def unwrap_item(self, item): if "type" not in item: raise ma.ValidationError( [ { "detail": "`data` object must include `type` key.", "source": {"pointer": "/data"}, } ] ) if item["type"] != self.opts.type_: raise IncorrectTypeError(actual=item["type"], expected=self.opts.type_) payload = self.dict_class() if "id" in item: payload["id"] = item["id"] if "meta" in item: payload[_RESOURCE_META_LOAD_FROM] = item["meta"] if self.document_meta: payload[_DOCUMENT_META_LOAD_FROM] = self.document_meta for key, value in item.get("attributes", {}).items(): payload[key] = value for key, value in item.get("relationships", {}).items(): # Fold included data related to this relationship into the item, so # that we can deserialize the whole objects instead of just IDs. if self.included_data: included_data = [] inner_data = value.get("data", []) # Data may be ``None`` (for empty relationships), but we only # need to process it when it's present. if inner_data: if not is_collection(inner_data): included_data = next( self._extract_from_included(inner_data), None ) else: for data in inner_data: included_data.extend(self._extract_from_included(data)) if included_data: value["data"] = included_data payload[key] = value return payload @ma.pre_load(pass_many=True) def unwrap_request(self, data, many, **kwargs): if "data" not in data: raise ma.ValidationError( [ { "detail": "Object must include `data` key.", "source": {"pointer": "/"}, } ] ) data = data["data"] if many: if not is_collection(data): raise ma.ValidationError( [ { "detail": "`data` expected to be a collection.", "source": {"pointer": "/data"}, } ] ) return [self.unwrap_item(each) for each in data] return self.unwrap_item(data)
[docs] def on_bind_field(self, field_name, field_obj): """Schema hook override. When binding fields, set ``data_key`` to the inflected form of field_name.""" if not field_obj.data_key: field_obj.data_key = self.inflect(field_name) return None
def _do_load(self, data, many=None, **kwargs): """Override `marshmallow.Schema._do_load` for custom JSON API handling. Specifically, we do this to format errors as JSON API Error objects, and to support loading of included data. """ many = self.many if many is None else bool(many) # Store this on the instance so we have access to the included data # when processing relationships (``included`` is outside of the # ``data``). self.included_data = data.get("included", {}) self.document_meta = data.get("meta", {}) try: result = super()._do_load(data, many=many, **kwargs) except ValidationError as err: # strict mode error_messages = err.messages if "_schema" in error_messages: error_messages = error_messages["_schema"] formatted_messages = self.format_errors(error_messages, many=many) err.messages = formatted_messages raise err return result def _extract_from_included(self, data): """Extract included data matching the items in ``data``. For each item in ``data``, extract the full data from the included data. """ return ( item for item in self.included_data if item["type"] == data["type"] and str(item["id"]) == str(data["id"]) )
[docs] def inflect(self, text): """Inflect ``text`` if the ``inflect`` class Meta option is defined, otherwise do nothing. """ return self.opts.inflect(text) if self.opts.inflect else text
### Overridable hooks ###
[docs] def format_errors(self, errors, many): """Format validation errors as JSON Error objects.""" if not errors: return {} if isinstance(errors, (list, tuple)): return {"errors": errors} formatted_errors = [] if many: for index, i_errors in errors.items(): formatted_errors.extend(self._get_formatted_errors(i_errors, index)) else: formatted_errors.extend(self._get_formatted_errors(errors)) return {"errors": formatted_errors}
def _get_formatted_errors(self, errors, index=None): return itertools.chain( *( [ self.format_error(field_name, message, index=index) for message in field_errors ] for field_name, field_errors in itertools.chain( *(self._process_nested_errors(k, v) for k, v in errors.items()) ) ) ) def _process_nested_errors(self, name, data): if not isinstance(data, dict): return [(name, data)] return itertools.chain( *(self._process_nested_errors(f"{name}/{k}", v) for k, v in data.items()) )
[docs] def format_error(self, field_name, message, index=None): """Override-able hook to format a single error message as an Error object. See: """ pointer = ["/data"] if index is not None: pointer.append(str(index)) relationship = isinstance( self.declared_fields.get(field_name), BaseRelationship ) if relationship: pointer.append("relationships") elif field_name != "id": # JSONAPI identifier is a special field that exists above the attribute object. pointer.append("attributes") pointer.append(self.inflect(field_name)) if relationship: pointer.append("data") return {"detail": message, "source": {"pointer": "/".join(pointer)}}
[docs] def format_item(self, item): """Format a single datum as a Resource object. See: """ # # Primary data MUST be either... a single resource object, a single resource # identifier object, or null, for requests that target single resources if not item: return None ret = self.dict_class() ret[TYPE] = self.opts.type_ # Get the schema attributes so we can confirm `dump-to` values exist attributes = { (self.fields[field].data_key or field): field for field in self.fields } for field_name, value in item.items(): attribute = attributes[field_name] if attribute == ID: ret[ID] = value elif isinstance(self.fields[attribute], DocumentMeta): if not self.document_meta: self.document_meta = self.dict_class() self.document_meta.update(value) elif isinstance(self.fields[attribute], ResourceMeta): if "meta" not in ret: ret["meta"] = self.dict_class() ret["meta"].update(value) elif isinstance(self.fields[attribute], BaseRelationship): if value: if "relationships" not in ret: ret["relationships"] = self.dict_class() ret["relationships"][self.inflect(field_name)] = value else: if "attributes" not in ret: ret["attributes"] = self.dict_class() ret["attributes"][self.inflect(field_name)] = value links = self.get_resource_links(item) if links: ret["links"] = links return ret
[docs] def format_items(self, data, many): """Format data as a Resource object or list of Resource objects. See: """ if many: return [self.format_item(item) for item in data] else: return self.format_item(data)
[docs] def wrap_response(self, data, many): """Wrap data and links according to the JSON API""" ret = {"data": data} # self_url_many is still valid when there isn't any data, but self_url # may only be included if there is data in the ret if many or data: top_level_links = self.get_top_level_links(data, many) if top_level_links["self"]: ret["links"] = top_level_links return ret
[docs] def generate_url(self, link, **kwargs): """Generate URL with any kwargs interpolated.""" return link.format_map(kwargs) if link else None